Call Center – Performance Policies

The call center management team will monitor the total number of outgoing calls per extension and a number of missed calls for each employee on a daily basis. Generating weekly performance summaries highlighting the number of total outgoing calls generated and missed calls for each employee.

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    Performance Evaluation: At the end of each day, the management team will review the reports to identify employees who have not achieved outgoing call expectations and missed calls not exceeding more than 10 calls per shift.

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    Initial Feedback: Employees who have not achieved outgoing call expectations and or have also missed more than 10 calls consecutively over a 5-day period will be provided with a summary review, feedback, and guidance on improving their performance.

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    Continued Monitoring / Retraining/Mentorship: Employees who consistently miss call expectation goals and or miss more than 10 calls per day for 5 consecutive days could be either enrolled in a retraining program or assigned a mentor to help improve their performance.

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    Lateral Company Shift: In some cases, if an employee’s performance does not improve despite retraining or mentorship, they may be considered for a lateral shift to a different role within the company where their skills may be better suited. This will be identified and considered in an employee evaluation summary review.

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    Dismissal: If an employee fails to meet the performance standards after the above steps have been taken, an employee may be terminated, reassigned, or dismissed from the company.