3. Lab, Operatories, and Procedure Set ups
This part of the guide contains illustrations and steps to follow at beginning/end of day and certain set ups.
Room Initial Set and Opening:
When first walking in the office, one dental assistant is responsible to open all the rooms and stock the necessary instruments for the day. Make sure every computer is on and logged in Eagle Soft. Dental chair must be lowered, and the right arm elevated up for easy access. Make sure the chair water bottle is filled with water and add one Blue Tab if needed. Make sure TV is on and basic set up with glasses are placed properly.
Next, the other dental assistant is responsible to finish any sterilization left from the day before and complete all the bur blocks with the appropriate burs. Make sure to fill ultrasonic with water and apply the Enzyme Ultrasonic tab.
At the end of every day all bur blocks are to be sterilized before closing, all rooms are to be wiped down, all lines are to be rain with PureVac solution, all TV’s and computers are to be turned off, vacuum, sweep/map, clean all bathrooms, and lock all the doors.
The autoclave is to be cleaned once every month. The Autoclave test is to be done once a week and sent out by mail. Instructions on how to clean and run autoclave tests are posted in the lab.
The following are pictures that illustrate the steps above:
This picture represents a properly open room:
This picture represents a proper basic set up tray:
This picture represents a proper basic set up tray:
This picture represents a proper bur block set up:
The following is a proper polishing bur block:
The following is the basic extraction set up:
The following are upper extraction forceps:
The following are lower extraction forceps:
The following is a proper tray set up to be completed before the doctor walks in the operatory for any procedure:
The following is a proper filling set up:
The following is a proper RCT set up:
The following is a proper crown prep set up: