Check In

First impressions of the office start at check in. It is important to greet all of the patients with a smile and friendly attitude in order to start their visit off right.


  1. 1

    Greet the patient with a smile and kindly ask them to sign in on the “walk-in” or “appointment” sign in sheet.
  2. 2

    If the patient is new:

    • Ask for their insurance card and identification card (or something with a picture to verify their identity)
    • Give them a new patient packet to fill out
    • Note: If the patient doesn’t have any of the following forms of identification, we cannot see them: Picture ID, Driver’s license, birth certificate or social security card
  3. 3

    If the patient has been here before:

    • Ask if there have been any changes to their insurance or personal information; if so, update the necessary information
    • Check health history is from within the year
    • Ask if phone # and address are still the same, update if any changes
    • Check to make sure the ID on file isn’t expired; if it is, get a new copy in Smart Doc
  4. 4

    Check patients’ insurance:

    • Put a copy of the patient’s eligibility in the Smart Doc
    • If any changes, update the patient’s account to the correct insurance
    • If there is a Y in the commercial area, print member summary and scroll down to the insurance/Medicare plans info to see if they have another plan
  5. 5

    Check the patient’s account for any balance:

    • If they have a balance, try to collect
    • If unsure, ask Sanjuana, Sam, Katie or Janee to confirm patient balance
  6. 6

    Check the patient chart:

    • Make sure what they were scheduled for is accurate
    • Check the doctor the patient seen last to keep with same doctor
  7. 7

    Prepare the route sheet:

    • Print off their route sheet
    • Write on the route sheet what’s being done today
    • Put the route sheet in the correct folder
    • Put the chart up in the correct bin depending on who they’re seeing